
Speak Dutch like a local

Our classes are designed to give you that well needed conversational practice              

Finally you get the opportunity to practice with real life conversations under the experienced supervision of our native Dutch tutors

Speak Dutch like a local

Our classes are designed to give you that well needed conversational practice

Finally you get the opportunity to practice with real life conversations under the experienced supervision of our native Dutch tutors


your speaking confidence



your listening skills



fun and interactive classes


why tutor dutch conversational classes?


 immediate professional feedback



with relevant topics



the classes from anywhere


communication = connection

       connection = integration

tutor dutch

Tutor Dutch takes a hands on approach to learning

You practice conversations with another student guided by a professional tutor

This practical way of learning increases speaking confidence and stimulates the use of Dutch outside of the classroom

This has a huge positive impact on your ability to fully experience the Dutch way of living


For our feedback we focus on 6 essential aspects:

vocabulary/ grammar
interaction/ fluency
coherency/ pronunciation


Our classes are build around usefulness, effectiveness and practicality

By practicing with real life conversations, you build up their confidence and fluency

About us

Tutor Dutch takes a hands-on approach to learning by letting students practice with real life conversations

This practical way of learning stimulates the use of Dutch outside the classroom, which has a huge positive impact on the quality of life in The Netherlands


With only 2 students per class, our classes are fun and with a lot of personal attention. Students will practice with the conversations under the supervision of an experienced Dutch native tutor.

Students will be able to build up their speaking confidence as well as their vocabulary, fluency and grammar


Our methodology is build around usefulness, effectiveness and practicality

For our feedback we focus on 6 essential aspects in order to master a language:
vocabulary and the correct use of words, grammar, interaction, fluency, coherency and pronunciation

'being able to communicate in the language of your host country boosts your career prospects and improves your social life'

what does a typical class look like

A typical class takes 75 minutes with two conversations and immediate feedback from your tutor after each conversation 
There is a 5 minute coffee break in between the two conversations

Time table for 
each conversation

two conversations per class

5 min

introduction topic

10-15 min

students speak about topic

5 min

students share experiences 
and give feedback

10-15 min

tutor gives feedback
and recommendations

what does a typical class look like

A typical class takes 75 minutes and consists of two conversations and immediate feedback from your tutor after each conversation. There will be only two students per class, to optimize the efficacy of the class

Time table for each conversation

(two conversations per class/ 5 minute coffee break)

5 min

introduction topic conversation

10 - 15 min

students speak about topic

5 min

students share experiences and give feedback

10 - 15 min

tutor gives feedback and recommendations

what students say about our classes

“.. Melanie is the 3rd Dutch teacher I’ve worked with and she is by far the best teacher I have had

Melanie personalises her lessons to suit your goals and learning style. I am not the most confident language learner but Melanie is patient, encouraging and pushes you to do your best ..

K. Bruggeman - South Africa

” .. Melanie’s lessons are very creative and focus on various aspects of the Dutch language and culture. Paired with her great sense of humor this has made my lessons highly informative and very enjoyable

In summary, Melanie is an excellent teacher, who I would highly recommend as a Dutch teacher .. “

O. Friedt - Germany

” .. Melanie’s ways are very productive and efficient in breaking the fear of speaking Dutch with natives and others

I want to thank her for how wonderful she is making the Dutch language easy and fun for me to learn .. “


S. Nasr - Palestina

what students say about 
our classes

K. Bruggeman - South Africa

“Melanie is the 3rd Dutch teacher I’ve worked with and she is by far the best teacher I have had

Melanie is patient, encouraging and pushes you to do your best

O. Friedt - Germany

“Melanie’s lessons are very creative and she has a great sense of humor. The lessons are highly informative and very enjoyable

I would highly recommend her as a Dutch teacher”

S. Nasr - Palestina

“Melanie’s ways are very productive and efficient in breaking the fear of speaking Dutch

She makes the Dutch language easy and fun for me to learn “