
conversational classes

What does a typical conversational class look like?

A typical conversational class takes 75 minutes and consists of two parts with two conversations and feedback after each conversation There will be 2 students per class, guided by one of our Dutch tutors. The class is split into two 35-minute parts with a 5-minute coffee break in between

The tutor will observe the conversations mostly without interrupting unless necessary. For example, when a mistake is made consistently or the conversation needs a gentle push. This ensures that the tutor is able to make notes during the entire conversation, so the feedback is thorough and complete 

Unlike other bigger conversational classes where you will be split off in break out rooms, our tutors are constantly present so you get the individual attention you need to improve your speaking skills

conversational classes

What does a conversational class look like?

A conversational class takes 75 minutes and consists of two conversations and feedback after each conversation

There are 2 students per class, guided by one of our Dutch tutors. The class is split into two 35-minute parts with a 5-minute coffee break in between

The tutor will observe the conversations without interrupting unless necessary. For example, when a mistake is made consistently or the conversation needs a gentle push

This ensures that the tutor is able to make notes during the entire conversation, so the feedback is thorough and complete 

Unlike other bigger conversational classes where you will be split off in break out rooms, our tutors are constantly present so you get the individual attention you need to improve your speaking skills

conversation 1

The topic of the first conversation will be provided by one of the students and alternates every week. Students choose a topic that is relevant to them

The subject will be communicated in advance by email, so there is a possibility to prepare for this conversation by looking up relevant words and phrases

Conversation 2

The topic of the second conversation will be chosen by the tutor. This will be a topic that is applicable to everyday situations in The Netherlands. 

The theme will be introduced by a YouTube video or an article. This topic will not be communicated in advance as to practice with spontaneous and unpredictable situations 

Time table for each conversation

(two conversations per class)

5 min

introduction topic conversation

10 - 15 min

students speak about topic

5 min

students share experiences and give feedback

10 - 15 min

tutor gives feedback and recommendations

Time table for each conversation

(two conversations per class)
5 min

introduction topic conversation

10 - 15 min

students speak about topic

5 min

students share experiences
and give feedback

10 - 15 min

tutor gives feedback
and recommendations

conversation 1

The topic of the first conversation will be provided by one of the students and alternates every week. Students choose a topic that is relevant to them

The subject will be communicated in advance by email, so there is a possibility to prepare for this conversation by looking up relevant words and phrases

Conversation 2

The topic of the second conversation will be chosen by the tutor. This will be a topic that is applicable to everyday situations in The Netherlands. 

The theme will be introduced by a YouTube video or an article. This topic will not be communicated in advance as to practice with spontaneous and unpredictable situations

Homework and private classes

Occasionally, additional homework or documents will be provided, especially when a certain theme/ grammar point proves to be difficult and returning. If self-study isn’t sufficient, it is highly recommended to book in a private class with the respective tutor to dive deeper into this specific theme

Homework and private classes

Occasionally, additional homework or documents will be provided, especially when a certain theme/ grammar point proves to be difficult and returning. If self-study isn’t sufficient, it is highly recommended to book in a private class with the respective tutor to dive deeper into this specific theme

Common conversational topics

Common conversational topics

daily life

speaking in a store/ restaurant
telephone conversations
making an appointment
asking for directions

social situations

small talk conversations
talking about feelings
giving your opinion


speaking with customers
giving a presentation
giving instructions